Showing 46-54 Of 62 CoursesGridListFiltersNewestOldestCourse Title (a-z)Course Title (z-a)Popularfeatured15 weeksAll LevelsPolymerisation (0.0/ 0 Rating) ₨20,000 0 Lessons0 StudentsAll LevelsPolymerisation (0.0/ 0 Rating) ₨20,000 0 Lessons0 StudentsContinue15 weeksAll LevelsAlcohols, Carboxylic Acids and Esters (0.0/ 0 Rating) ₨10,000 0 Lessons0 StudentsAll LevelsAlcohols, Carboxylic Acids and Esters (0.0/ 0 Rating) ₨10,000 0 Lessons0 StudentsContinue15 weeksAll LevelsAlkanes & Alkenes (0.0/ 0 Rating) ₨10,000 0 Lessons0 StudentsAll LevelsAlkanes & Alkenes (0.0/ 0 Rating) ₨10,000 0 Lessons0 StudentsContinue15 weeksAll LevelsChemistry of the Environment (0.0/ 0 Rating) ₨10,000 0 Lessons0 StudentsAll LevelsChemistry of the Environment (0.0/ 0 Rating) ₨10,000 0 Lessons0 StudentsContinue15 weeksAll LevelsMetals (0.0/ 0 Rating) ₨2,500 0 Lessons0 StudentsAll LevelsMetals (0.0/ 0 Rating) ₨2,500 0 Lessons0 StudentsContinue15 weeksAll LevelsPeriodic Table (0.0/ 0 Rating) ₨2,500 0 Lessons0 StudentsAll LevelsPeriodic Table (0.0/ 0 Rating) ₨2,500 0 Lessons0 StudentsContinue15 weeksAll LevelsAcid, bases and salts (0.0/ 0 Rating) ₨10,000 0 Lessons0 StudentsAll LevelsAcid, bases and salts (0.0/ 0 Rating) ₨10,000 0 Lessons0 StudentsContinue15 weeksAll LevelsEquilibrium (0.0/ 0 Rating) ₨5,000 0 Lessons0 StudentsAll LevelsEquilibrium (0.0/ 0 Rating) ₨5,000 0 Lessons0 StudentsContinue15 weeksAll LevelsRedox (0.0/ 0 Rating) ₨5,000 0 Lessons0 StudentsAll LevelsRedox (0.0/ 0 Rating) ₨5,000 0 Lessons0 StudentsContinue15 weeks ₨20,000 Polymerisation (0.0/ 0 Rating)0 Lessons0 StudentsPolymerisationPolymerisation (0.0)0 Lessons15 weeksAll LevelsContinue15 weeks ₨10,000 Alcohols, Carboxylic Acids and Esters (0.0/ 0 Rating)0 Lessons0 StudentsCarboxylic Acids and EstersAlcohols, Carboxylic Acids and Esters (0.0)0 Lessons15 weeksAll LevelsContinue15 weeks ₨10,000 Alkanes & Alkenes (0.0/ 0 Rating)0 Lessons0 StudentsAlkanes & AlkenesAlkanes & Alkenes (0.0)0 Lessons15 weeksAll LevelsContinue15 weeks ₨10,000 Chemistry of the Environment (0.0/ 0 Rating)0 Lessons0 StudentsChemistry of the EnvironmentChemistry of the Environment (0.0)0 Lessons15 weeksAll LevelsContinue15 weeks ₨2,500 Metals (0.0/ 0 Rating)0 Lessons0 StudentsMetalsMetals (0.0)0 Lessons15 weeksAll LevelsContinue15 weeks ₨2,500 Periodic Table (0.0/ 0 Rating)0 Lessons0 StudentsPeriodic TablePeriodic Table (0.0)0 Lessons15 weeksAll LevelsContinue15 weeks ₨10,000 Acid, bases and salts (0.0/ 0 Rating)0 Lessons0 Studentsbases and saltsAcid, bases and salts (0.0)0 Lessons15 weeksAll LevelsContinue15 weeks ₨5,000 Equilibrium (0.0/ 0 Rating)0 Lessons0 StudentsEquilibriumEquilibrium (0.0)0 Lessons15 weeksAll LevelsContinue15 weeks ₨5,000 Redox (0.0/ 0 Rating)0 Lessons0 StudentsRedoxRedox (0.0)0 Lessons15 weeksAll LevelsContinue 1 2 3 4 5 6 7